No no...I am not labeling them - it's just about a few things that you will significantly notice when you are around children -
- They are "The Most Bussssssssyyyyyyy" people - They are the most busy people you can ever find anywhere - look around - observe - do you see them quiet anytime? Well, probably only when they are asleep (but you never know the action happening behind the closed eyes ;))
- They put up with our constant tantrums - Yes!! I mean it - how much do we go behind them all the time constantly - Get up, get ready, time, finish your milk, did you brush, wear your shoes, run, eat, write, learn, come, go, wait, sit, sleep, watch, listen, respect, bye, say hello, wear properly, don't spill, see there.......;) aaaah!!! don't weeee??? I know completely understandable - yes we need to :).....They still, put up with all this day in day out - Think about it :)...Thankfully they don't complain isn't??
- Friendships - "I don't like you!!!" "Waaaaaaaaa"....You see your child crying - screaming at a friend and the very next min you see both of them merrily playing around :)....Infact, they even go hitting, biting & hurting eachother physically & emotionally - horribly but still they are friends again...Something very difficult for us - we have bad fight with a friend & we come up with all the list of things from past, present & predict the future - & they are immediately on our black list..."No More A Friend" ;)...I can relate completely being like this :(...With kids - they fight & forget - it's just for the moment - I was wild at you or you can be - nothing else matters...
- Constantly learning, processing, doing, curious, exploring & doing a loooooooooot each day - You think your's is the most hectic, demanding & exhaustive day with lot of things you are doing, multitasking, working on deadlines, bosses etc ???... ;),,,You have got the answer - just be in the shoes of a child - say a 3 or 4 year old or any child for that matter (yeah do you see that all the above of our hectic day fits in completely ;))
- Amazingly adaptable, Open, Non -Judgmental & Fun unlimited - They are packed with all this isn't??? - & they add in an abundance of Love :)
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