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Showing posts from 2015

Calvin and Hobbes - CHILDHOOD and Life :) !!! Happy Children's Day!!!

My personal favourite - Calvin and Hobbes.... Some of the things from the series sum up a loooooooot of stuff - Here are a few that let's you ponder :) Relax and Enjoy!!! And yes ofcourse - A Very Happy Children's Day!!! :) How much can you relate to this??? ;) We too!!! :) Think about it :) :) Love this!!! He he :) No comments :) :) PERFECTO!!! :)


So what does story mean to you? Mean to a child?....What does a story need? .... Stories are how we convey our deepest emotions... Stories connect to us in number of ways... Emotionally, they bond us to others.  At their best,  stories are incredibly persuasive because they ‘speak  to us’ at a very meaningful, emotional, and often unconscious  level. Stories play a vital role in the growth and development of children. That's how we see there are loads and loads of awareness these days about the importance of stories, story telling, story tellers and every possible way that we could connect children and stories..Thanks to the efforts by one and all!!!  Also, one more aspect of stories is that - There is no need to have special place, timing, skill, theme or anything needed to connect to a child with a story...Isn't it???....Think about it.... And while you think.... Here are a few simple ideas to try with the child on the go -  (some of the ideas listed here are