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Mamma I am bored!!! Simple Ideas to have fun & learn!!!

How about making a break time jar today??? All you need is a little bit of time and simple things that will keep your child gainfully occupied...

Here are a few Multiple Intelligence based ideas which the child could do with a minimal assistance from your side & have fun!!!

All you need is to take print out of this list & cut each idea, make chits of them & put them in a jar.

Whenever your child is bored or want to take a break, he/she can pick a chit and do what's in it.  

If you want you could even hand write these ideas along with your child, editing/adding as per both your needs and the age of the child. If you think these are for a higher age group than your child - then you could a little bit of modification & use them

Here are about a 20 ideas for you to go through + at the end of the blog is the link to the attachment to print the same  - 

Draw or paint your favourite story or the story that you have recently heard

If you could see a tree right now….what would you talk to it? Have a conversation with the tree…
Make different sounds using your body (clap, snap, stomp, click…keep adding)…And make your own song using these sounds (It could be a song on how your day was or about your favourite food)

Interview one person with whom you have never spoken/interacted…Could be milkman, newspaper delivery boy, Iron man or anyone who see often but haven’t spoken at all…You could make your list of questions and ask them – Could be about their hobbies, childhood, food they like, something they longed to do....

Write a letter to your favourite cartoon character - Write about something that's bothering you these days

Talk to a neighbour friend - Ask them that one thing you didn't like about their day

Count the number of windows and doors in your house…Measure using different things...Hands, fingers, scale, spoon, cloth..Anything you wish…Compare… Analyze and do enjoy!!! J

Listen to a song and change your facial expression whenever someone else sings or whenever there is a different instrument

Write about how your day was vertically/pick something and write it vertically

Explore words that sound like what they mean (e.g. “boom”). Create new ones. 

Think and write ten words about yourself

Tell a story to someone using only your body…no words

If you could change one thing in your living room right now to give it a different look what would it be?

For the rest of the day do the talking in the form of singing

Create your own dance creating your own 10 dance steps

Draw different things using just alphabets

 Take a paper and draw in all the shapes that you see in the room you are in right now…How big was your list??? :)

    Take a walk & listen to different sounds around you…What sounds are coming from nature…and what are not?

Try learning four new things about any of the body parts. Find out from any source you like J
   Look at any two objects in the room right now…And imagine the conversations those two objects could be having.. (Ex – Imagine the talking between dining table and the wall hanging ;Imagine; Fantasize… ) Give voice; Expressions!!! Have fun!!!


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